03 Apr Egg Hunt Offers Fun for Kids and Families
Photo Essay, The CC Pulse Editors
On a sunny Saturday morning last month, hundreds of people came out to the Spring Egg Hunt and Recreation Day at Civic Center Plaza for some springtime fun.
Sponsored by the city’s Recreation Department, the free event on March 28 was well attended by grownups and kids alike.
The day started with a roughly half mile parade led by the Easter Bunny from the Richmond Recreation Complex to Civic Center Plaza. Once at the plaza, parents walked around information tables describing the many exciting programs that Richmond Recreation Department has to offer, like upcoming summer programs for youth.
“We especially want parents to know about our two summer camp programs,” said Kris Lofthus, the department’s project manager, before describing the offerings. “‘Achieve,’ which has a learning component to it and the other program is called ‘Activate,’ which is a recreation and sports based program.” Both programs begin June 8.
The children had two chances to take part in the age-old tradition of hunting colored eggs scattered throughout the plaza lawn. But, the hunt didn’t last for long, as children rushed around scooping up eggs. Then kids had another the chance to meet and take their picture with Easter Bunny.
Also taking part in the festivities were community organizations representing a number of services, including YES Nature to Neighborhoods, which takes kids and their families on educational trips in the outdoors; Rising Sun Energy Center, a non-profit organization that develops eco-friendly workforces and retrofit services; and Lifelong Medical, a health center that provide high-quality health and social services to underserved people of all ages.
“It was great to be able to display what we have for the community,” Lofthus said. “The highlight was watching the kids running around getting eggs and having a great time.”
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