01 Aug Local Happenings: August 2016
National Night Out Against Crime
Tuesday, Aug. 2, 5:00 pm
Richmond will participate in the National Night Out Against Crime on Tuesday, Aug. 2. The kick-off party will include food and entertainment at 5:00 pm in the Target parking lot, 4500 Macdonald Ave. There will be a community caravan to over 20 block parties in Richmond’s diverse neighborhoods. Richmond’s Night Out Against Crime will wrap up with a party at the Veterans’ Hall, 968 23rd St.
Bouquets, Big Hats, and Bow Ties
Opening Reception for New Exhibit at Richmond Museum of History
Sunday, Aug. 7, 1:00 – 3:00 pm
The Richmond Museum of History’s new exhibit, “Accessories, Accessories, Accessories,” will showcase the museum’s extensive collection of fashion accessories from the 20th century including hats, shoes and jewelry worn by working class men and women of Richmond.
The opening reception is from 1:00 to 3:00 pm Sunday, Aug. 7 with the theme, “Bouquets, Big Hats, and Bow Ties.” Everyone is invited to dress to impress and wear their best accessories. A group photograph will be taken on the museum’s steps at 2:00 p.m.
The exhibit opens at 1:00 pm Sunday, Aug. 7 in the museum’s Seaver Gallery, 400 Nevin Ave. The exhibit will run through Friday, Dec. 23.
For more information, call 510-235-7387 or visit www.richmondmuseum.org.
Music on the Main
Wednesday, Aug. 10, 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Music on the Main will return for its 15th year at Marina Way and Macdonald Avenue in Downtown Richmond. The free event, sponsored by the Richmond Main Street Initiative, will include music, exercise, food vendors, a beer garden and a kids’ zone.
For more information, call 510-236-4049 or visit http://richmondmainstreet.org/music-on-the-main.
Rosie Rally Seeks to Reclaim Record
Saturday, Aug. 13, 10:00 am
Richmond’s Rosie the Riveter/WW II Home Front National Park is hoping to reclaim the park’s Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of people dressed as Rosie the Riveter at 10:00 am on Saturday, Aug. 13 at the Craneway Pavilion, 1414 Harbour Way.
Last year, a group of 1,084 Rosie lookalikes broke the Guinness World Record, only to have it surpassed by 2,096 Rosies at the Willow Run Bomber Plant in Michigan.
Rosies are asked to check in at 10:00 am for an official count at 10:30 am.
All Rosie Rally participants must wear:
- Red bandana with large white polka-dots (hair should be pinned up, not down or in a ponytail).
2. Dark blue long-sleeve coveralls, or long-sleeve dark blue collared shirt and dark blue pants
3. Red knee socks
4. Closed-toed black or brown shoes or boots
A limited number of official polka-dot Rosie bandana and red socks can be purchased at the Park Visitor Center for $8 or $10 on the day of the event.
Those who are planning to attend should register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOR_g9WWpw0FqrwnFX1rJvgHcZPeh6Fbp3oke09nssG_LAJQ/viewform?c=0&w=1.
The festivities will continue with the Home Front Festival from noon to 4:00 pm at Marina Bay Park. The free festival will include food trucks, live entertainment, arts and crafts and kids’ activities.
For more information, call 510-232-5050.
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