25 Apr County Seeks Members for Advisory Boards

By Michael J. Fitzgerald
Contra Costa County Supervisor John Gioia is looking for citizens to step up and participate in local government.
“Government works best when there is strong and diverse community participation,” Gioia said when putting out the call last week. “Public advisory boards, commissions and councils serve as excellent institutions for empowering resident involvement.”
Specifically, Gioia is seeking applicants for a wide variety of county boards, including the new Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council, the Assessment Appeals Board for District One, and the Arts and Culture, Contra Costa Library, and the First Five Contra Costa Children and Families commissions.
A full list of all the county boards, commissions and councils can be found at ca-contracostacounty2.civicplus.com.
Gioia said all the various groups provided excellent “training grounds” for future leaders, as well as for people who want to serve their community.
Questions about the application process and forms should be directed to the Contra Costa County Clerk’s office at 925-335-1900 or clerkoftheboard@cob.ccounty.us.
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