09 Aug Contra Costa Seeks Volunteers for County Commissions and Boards
(Image courtesy of Contra Costa County)
By Michael J. Fitzgerald
Contra Costa County has put out the call for citizen volunteers for five county groups.
District 5 Supervisor Federal D. Glover announced the call in a press release Monday.
“A lot of policies begin in these county commissions and boards,” Glover said in the release.
Interested individuals should contact Glover’s office at (925) 608-4200 to obtain an application. Completed applications need to be returned to Glover’s office by the close of business Aug. 26.
The five boards and commissions seeking volunteers are as follows:
- Assessment Appeals Board
The role of this board is to assess and equalize the value of the taxable property in the county for tax purposes and to perform all duties required by the State Board of Equalization and state law. The board meets 9 a.m. Thursdays at 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez. There is an opening for one alternate with a term ending Sept. 1, 2025. For information, contact Jami Morritt at (925) 655-2000 or jami.morritt@cob.cccounty.us.
- Emergency Medical Care Committee:
This committee reviews the county’s ambulance and other emergency services as required by state law. It advises the Board of Supervisors, and county Emergency Medical Services agency. It normally meets at the EMS Administrative Office, at 777 Arnold Drive in Martinez, though the location is subject to change. Upcoming meetings in 2022 are scheduled for Sept. 14 and Dec. 14, both from 4 to 5:30 p.m. The current vacancy is for a District 5 consumer representative with a term ending Sept. 30. For information, contact Rachel Morris at (925) 608-5454 or Rachel.Morris@cchealth.org.
- First 5 – Contra Costa Children and Families Commission:
This commission supports early childhood development in accordance with a plan developed following the California Children and Families First Act of 1998. The current vacancy is for one alternate with a term ending Dec. 31, 2024. For information, contact Ruth Fernandez at (925) 771-7316 or rfernandez@first5coco.org
- In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Advisory Committee:
This group serves advises the In-Home Support Services Public Authority, administered by the Employment and Human Services Department.
IHSS supports residents who are frail, elderly, blind or disabled. Public Authority has an advisory committee whose membership is composed of individuals who are current or past users of personal assistance services paid for through public or private funds and professional representatives from the community.
The council meets on the third Tuesday of every month, from 1 to 3 p.m. at 500 Ellenwood Way, Pleasant Hill. The current vacancy is for the District 5 Seat with a term ending March 6, 2025. For information, contact Beatriz Salgado at (925) 363-6670 or bsalgado@ehsd.cccounty.us.
- Library Commission:
The Library Commission advises the Board of Supervisors and the county librarian. It provides a forum for the community to provide input concerning library operations and recommends proposals to the Board of Supervisors and the county librarian. The commission meets on the fourth Thursday of every other month from 7 to 9 p.m. at 777 Arnold Drive in Martinez.
The current vacancy is for a District 5 Alternate Seat with a term ending June 30, 2024. For information, contact Walter Beveridge (925) 608-7730 or Walter.Beveridge@library.cccounty.us.
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