13 Mar Contra Costa Looking for Residents to Join County Boards & Commissions
(Image courtesy of Contra Costa County via Bay City News)
By Michael J. Fitzgerald
Contra Costa County’s District 5 Supervisor has put out the call for district residents to help make decisions affecting their communities.
Federal D. Glover last week announced opportunities for citizens to serve on five different commissions and boards.
“A lot of policies begin in these county commissions and boards,” Glover said.
Commission members are appointed by the full Board of Supervisors based on the recommendation of the District 5 Supervisor, he said.
Glover said that interested individuals should apply at https://contra-costa.granicus.com/boards/forms/321/apply/. Alternately, people can contact his office directly at (925) 608-4200.
The deadline for applications is the close of business, Friday, March 29.
In his announcement, Glover listed the boards and commissions that have openings for citizen involvement as well as their areas of consultation to the full county Board of Supervisors.
The boards and commissions are as follows:
Crockett-Carquinez Fire Protection District Fire Advisory Commission
This commissions and advises on annual operations and capital budgets and fire district expenditures. It also advises the fire chief on district service matters and serves as a liaison between the Board of Supervisors and the community served by the fire district. There is one open seat.
Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at 746 Loring Ave., Crockett, CA 94525. The opening has a term ending Dec. 31, 2024. For more information, call Dean Colombo at (925) 787-0790.
Emergency Medical Care Committee
The committee reviews the county’s ambulance and other emergency services as required in state law. It advises the Board of Supervisors and the county EMS agency relating to emergency medical services as directed by the full board. The committee meets quarterly at the Contra Costa County Emergency Medical Services Administrative Office, 777 Arnold Drive, Martinez, CA, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. The current vacancy is for District V – Consumer Representative with a term ending Sept. 30, 2024. For more information, contact Rachel Morris at (925) 608-5454 or Rachel.Morris@cchealth.org.
Measure X Community Advisory Board
This board was established in 2021 to advise the board on the use of Measure X transactions and use of tax funds. The current vacancy is for the District V Seat – Alternate with a term ending March 31, 2025. The meetings are normally scheduled for Wednesdays at 5 p.m. For more information, contact Adam Nguyen at (925) 655-2048 or Adam.Nguyen@cao.cccounty.us.
Measure X Community Fiscal Oversight Committee
The Measure X Community Fiscal Oversight Committee was established by the Board of Supervisors to advise supervisors on financial audits of Measure X tax funds. The current vacancy is for the District V Seat with a term ending Dec. 31. Meeting dates and times are to be determined. For more information, contact Adam Nguyen at (925) 655-2048 or Adam.Nguyen@cao.cccounty.us.
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Mental Health Commission
The Mental Health Commission was established to review and assess the community’s mental health needs, services, facilities and special problems. It advises the Board of Supervisors concerning local mental health services and programs. Current vacancies are for District V Seat 3 with a term ending June 30, 2027. The Mental Health Commission meets the first Wednesday of each month from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. For more information, contact Angela Beck at (925) 313-9553 or Angela.Beck@cchealth.org.
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