20 May DA’s Office Says Richmond Officer-Involved Shooting Was Justified
(Image courtesy of Contra Costa County via Bay City News)
By Tony Hicks
Bay City News
The Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office’s said Friday investigators determined the officer-involved shooting death of 66-year-old Kevin James McDonald in Point Richmond in June 2023 was justified.
Richmond police shot and killed McDonald June 28, 2023, when he allegedly brandished a firearm while officers were entering a home to serve an arrest warrant.
Police had received a report about a person at the home brandishing and firing a weapon the previous weekend in Point Richmond.
Officers arrived around 9 a.m. at the home in the 1200 block of Sanderling Island. There were other occupants in the home, but none were injured or taken into custody. Nearby homes were later evacuated when police found and removed a possible explosive device.
The DA’s office said Friday police announced their presence and purpose upon arrival. After receiving no answer, they entered the house. During the search, officers approached a closed bedroom door and announced themselves again before opening it.
They found McDonald seated inside, armed with a loaded assault rifle. He allegedly raised the weapon toward the officers, two of whom fired at McDonald in self-defense. McDonald was pronounced dead at the scene.
“The legal analysis considered all the available evidence (totality of the circumstances),” the DA’s office said. “Based on this review, the district attorney has concluded that the officer’s use of deadly force was lawful and justified. No charges will be filed in this case.’
More information on the case is available at https://www.contracosta.ca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/82992/LEIFI-Final-Kevin-James-McDonald.
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