Youth Development and Community Engagement Make a Healthy Pittsburg

This sign is located at Railroad Avenue and East 17th Street. (Marcos Lopez / The CC Pulse)

Commentary, Marcos Lopez

When it comes to health, we often think only of our own individual well-being, but it extends to the conditions of the city in which we live. Health is not just the absence of sickness in ourselves; rather, it’s the presence of proactive development in our hometowns.

Pittsburg, California, although often overlooked, is a city rich in culture and community spirit, and that is vital to its health. When I think of what a healthy Pittsburg should look like, it’s a city that prioritizes youth development and community engagement. And this town does just that.

While there are many aspects of what makes a healthy city, youth development should be the first priority. The youth are the backbone of our future, and it seems Pittsburg has taken this idea seriously by implementing various programs for the younger generations.

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According to the city’s 2023 annual report, the Buchanan Swim Center welcomed over 8,000 swimmers, and offered numerous youth swim lessons as well as First Aid and CPR training. Additionally, the city opened the Marina Community Center, which hosts youth indoor sporting leagues and other events throughout the year. And those are just a few examples of the city’s commitment to fostering youth development.

​However, a truly healthy city does not stop there; it promotes community engagement as a whole. The Marina Center also hosts activities for adults such as basketball, pickleball and a variety of indoor sports. These activities allow residents of all ages to stay active and connected. Pittsburg is also known for its annual car shows and has events throughout the summer with live music, food vendors and more. These events not only engage entire families but also bring the community together, creating a sense of unity and belonging. Truly, I’ve only scratched the surface of how proactive this city is when it comes to community engagement.

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​I don’t believe a city is healthy solely based on what they have to offer for youth development and community engagement. Though those are very important, there are many other key metrics to consider, such as the economy and infrastructure, where Pittsburg is also excelling. I think the current state of this city is in great shape, but the key is to continue developing and furthering options for the youth and community as a whole over the years. When I think of what a healthy Pittsburg looks like, it’s one that continuously improves, becoming better today than it was yesterday.

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