Coming Together Helps Build a Healthy Antioch

The author took this while hiking in the Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve in Antioch. (Fifita Grewe / The CC Pulse)

Commentary, Fifita Grewe

In Antioch, health isn’t just the absence of sickness; it’s the vibrant presence of community engagement, community building, and the structure we provide our youth, recognizing how they are impacted when we come together. My vision of a healthy Antioch is partly what it is right now and a little bit more of what it should be.

Picture a city where the community seamlessly brings together our youth and adults. At schools, work offices, community centers and beyond, Antioch prioritizes physical well-being and community development.

Moreover, a healthy Antioch showcases a sense of belonging, ensuring that every citizen is in a safe environment. The city does many things that go unnoticed, helping elderly people and kids with initiatives like the Girl Power event for eighth grade girls before they head into high school. Giving our youth that structure is very important because these kids will be our next generation of adults, and they will forever cherish what our community does to help them feel included.

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Community building in Antioch is essential. We showcase our community when we come together for sports and to give back to schools, kids, and more. The city gives me personally a sense of community when I go to events that have many different people there and I get to talk to them and just socialize. I also feel a sense of community anytime I go out and I’m just able to talk to random people and actually get to know them.

But Antioch still needs more community engagement. We don’t come together enough. We also sometimes lack showing up for people when we need to. It needs to be more than just the little things. As a city, we should be able to come together and not worry about all these random things that may come in the way of us building towards unity.

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Antioch gives us a little sneak peek into the “real world.” No matter where we go, we’re going to run into cities that aren’t as “perfect” as they may seem. Every city has its flaws, challenges, trials, etc., but in those cities there are people who actually, genuinely care for the people that make up that environment.

But there are also times when we do see the “ugly” side of our city. When people have public disagreements in front of kids, it shows them it’s OK to argue out loud when that shouldn’t be the case. We also have problems with our school district office and we definitely shouldn’t have to worry about that. There are many challenges and trials that Antioch goes through, but when it comes down to it, we have more positive aspects than negative.

Finally, the vitality of Antioch stems from its development in community outreach and being able to grow as a whole. Many others may not agree with one another and what they have to say, but that’s OK because, at the end of the day, all we are trying to do is build and go up. We don’t and will never have a “perfect” city, but the least we can do is work towards that as our main goal. In Antioch, health is not just a personal endeavor but a collective responsibility, where everyone works together to build a happier, healthier community.

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