Advertise in The Contra Costa Pulse Monthly Newspaper


The CC Pulse newspaper is the community voice for both West and East Contra Costa, focused on community health, civic engagement, and featuring the perspectives of young people navigating today’s world. It is distributed to City Hall, local businesses, coffee shops, schools, community centers, libraries, charitable organizations, and news racks in key locations throughout the county.


Ads supplied by the client must be in digital format and emailed to Accepted formats are high resolution.pdf, .eps, .tif, or other formats suitable for print. All graphics and fonts must be embedded or attached. All black must be 100% black, no “auto” accepted. Color files must separate into CMYK, no RGB files are accepted. Ads may be placed in English and Spanish languages.


Recurring discount:
3-5 ads = 10% discount
6-10 ads = 15% discount

Visa, Mastercard, and American Express are accepted.


The CC Pulse reserves the right to edit or reject any advertising deemed objectionable, whether in subject matter, illustration or phraseology.



Every effort is made to avoid errors.  The CC Pulse is not liable for errors contained in ads submitted by the advertiser. Should The CC Pulse make an error with an ad, the ad will be republished.


To reserve advertising space and discuss options contact Malcolm Marshall.
Email:  |  Phone: (415) 240-2734

Newspaper Advertising Rates


Full Page $2,250

9.75  x 13.5


Half Page $1,125

4.75 x 13.5 (V)
9.75 x 6.75 (H)


Quarter Page $652

2.3 x 13.5 (V)
7.25 x 5.25 (H)
4.75 x 7.75 (S)


One-Eighth Page $225

2.3 x 6.75 (V)
4.75 x 3.3 (H)


One-Sixteeth Page $150

2.3 x 3.3 (S)

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