Op-Ed, Daniel Zingale Big Soda spent big bucks. That's how it defeated ballot measures to create soda taxes in two California towns. In Richmond, in the Bay Area, and in El Monte,...

Read in English Reportaje, Malcolm Marshall Era una noche de lunes en noviembre en la oficina de la Organización Interreligiosa Apoyando la Comunidad de Contra costa (CCISCO por sus siglas en inglés)...

Leer en Español News Feature, Malcolm Marshall It’s a Monday evening in November at the CCISCO office in Richmond, and members of CLOUD, or Community Leaders Organizing Undocumented Dreamers, have come together...

Commentary,  Sonya Mann An overwhelming number of California voters, 81 percent, supported Proposition 35 (also called the CASE Act), which expands legal protections for victims of sex trafficking, and specifies harsher...

News Report, Tania Pulido Billboards for No on Measure N, the controversial soda tax that voters here rejected on Tuesday, have been a constant image over the last several months as...

COMMENTARY BY SEAN SHAVERS Editor's note: Students first names have been changed to protect them from possible repercussions from other students. As a former student in Oakland's public schools, I was shocked...

Blog, Various Authors “A vote is worth more than money” Edgardo Cervano-Soto My vote represents me. How I vote informs political power holders and institutions my interpretation of democracy and equity. Although voting...

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