COMMENTARY BY SEAN SHAVERS Editor's note: Students first names have been changed to protect them from possible repercussions from other students. As a former student in Oakland's public schools, I was shocked...

Blog, Various Authors “A vote is worth more than money” Edgardo Cervano-Soto My vote represents me. How I vote informs political power holders and institutions my interpretation of democracy and equity. Although voting...

Click here for the link to the RAW Talent Kickstarter page. Romeo Is Bleeding (working title) is a documentary about young artists inspiring change in an impoverished city. The students...

Leer en Español News Feature, Monica Quesada James Johnson, 20, is a bike mechanic. Born and raised in Richmond, Johnson has for years fixed bikes out of his own garage, all the...

(Photo by Adam Kruggel) Leer en Español First Person, Various, Posted: Aug 10, 2012 On the night of Monday, August 6, residents of Richmond, California were advised to seek shelter indoors due to a series of...

News Feature, Taisa Grant The Coronado YMCA was at the center of this city’s ongoing community-building efforts when it hosted a resource fair on June 30th to bring tangible and basic...

News Feature, Monica Quesada Caleb Monteiro, 6, was the only one in the lane at the pool, kicking away on his back. He swam for 30 minutes and today he did...

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