Video, William Haynes EDITOR'S NOTE: With hundreds of foreclosed homes and empty lots, illegal dumping and crime are hurting Richmond neighborhoods. In response, the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE)...

Story, Edgardo Cervano-Soto Beyond the North Richmond neighborhood, in the industrial section of this city, Chevron engineers, workers and representatives welcomed residents last Saturday to the second annual Chevron Refinery Community...

Video, Ann Bassette EDITOR'S NOTE: On a recent episode of KMEL Street Soldiers, husband and wife team Kevin Penn and Arlinda Love-Penn discuss their work with the Silence the Violence Movement...

Photo Essay, Min Lee Pictures from the celebration of Richmond’s young apprentices in Urban Tilth’s Summer Apprentice Program. This event took place on Saturday, August 13th 2011, on the Richmond Greenway...

Story, Iraida Santillan///Video, William Haynes According to Alicia Nightengale, Community Development Project Manager, Imagination Playground is a play space designed by architect David Rockwell to encourage children to “free play”. There are...

Commentary, Danny McLane Jr. Richmond is a city ridden with violence, drug abuse and robbery, among other things, including low high school graduation rates. In 2009, only 72 percent of the...

Commentary, Danny McLane Jr. Richmond is a city ridden with violence, drug abuse and robbery, among other things, including low high school graduation rates. In 2009, only 72 percent of the...

Video, Jose Esquivel & Min Lee Richmond, California hosted the first ever West County Urban Agriculture Summit, where farming organizations, residents, and city officials met to develop a shared vision of...

Video, Malcolm Marshall Project Homeless Connect aims to connect services to those in need. It was sponsored by the City of Richmond, Chevron and West Contra Costa Transportation Advisory Committee. ...

News Brief, Melissa Lopez/ Photos, Min Lee On May 14, 2011, Building Blocks for Kids (BBK) hosted their first “Bike Fiesta” at Lincoln elementary. Although the weather wasn’t as pleasant as...

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