Photo Essay, David Meza David Batiste says he loves the job he describes as “a little dangerous” and “never the same routine.” Baptiste is an equipment operator with Richmond’s Code...

Commentary, Melvin Willis Back in March 2014 while I was visiting my mom at her home she suddenly lost her breath, and couldn’t catch it. Her breathing was so labored...

Interview by Edgardo Cervano-Soto Ed. Note: Charles Ramsey, 52, is currently Board President of the West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD). He spoke to The CC Pulse reporter Edgardo Cervano-Soto...

Interview +Photos, Edgardo Cervano-Soto Editor’s Note: Richmond mayoral candidate Mike Parker, 73, is currently a lead organizer of the Richmond Progressive Alliance and an instructor in the Electrical/Instrumentation department at Los...

By  Edgardo Cervano-Soto Growing up in North Richmond, Donte Clark, like many residents, relied on corner stores for groceries. The small “mom and pop” shops were a lifeline for many. “A...

Column, Vernon Whitmore Celebrated in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, Black History Month is an important annual commemoration of African American history and people. It began in 1926...

Five Thanksgiving Etiquette Tips by Enitan Bereola Ed Note:  Enitan Bereola II is the author of, "BEREOLAESQUE: The Contemporary Gentleman & Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate." His new book, "GENTLEWOMAN," will...

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