The CC Pulse asked local students how they are coping with the loss of prom and graduation, how they are dealing with the shelter-in-place, and what is helping them get through it....

In an effort to protect the safety and health of the citizens of California, the state’s Judicial Council set bail to zero for non-violent crimes.  The new rule is one among 11 the council has adapted to avoid filling up jails during the COVID-19 pandemic...

Many West Contra Costa County religious groups have moved to online forms of gathering to worship amid the COVID-19 outbreak to follow the shelter-in-place orders issued by the county and state....

As homeless Californians begin to move into these units, new questions have arisen for hoteliers, shelter providers, health care workers and government officials: How much should a room cost, and who should pay for it? How will meals be delivered? How will residents with mental health and addiction issues be...

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