Al considerar a los futuros estudiantes, los colegios y universidades necesitan una forma de evaluar rápidamente su nivel de competencia en inglés y matemáticas. Ese ha sido durante mucho tiempo el SAT, anteriormente conocido como la Prueba de Aptitud Escolástica, entre otras cosas. ¿Pero es esa la mejor manera?...

When considering prospective students, colleges and universities need a way to quickly assess their level of competency in English and mathematics. That has long been the SAT — formerly known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test — among other things. But is that the best way?...

In September, I welcomed a baby boy. Every day since, I have wondered how I would teach him to embrace the complexities, horrors and beauty of the world that surrounds him....

With the Oakland Raiders moving to Las Vegas in 2020, my football fandom now transitions to a place I’ve never been before and one I won’t be visiting anytime soon....

While hundreds of thousands of immigrants with DACA permits await the decision of the Supreme Court on the future of the program, lawyers and immigrant advocates argue that the vast majority of them have sufficient legal rights to remain in this country for several years and maybe, indefinitely....

There’s no state in America quite like California. In troubled times for the Nation, California is where the American Dream is alive and well. The most diverse state in the world’s most diverse democracy, California is big-hearted, thriving, inclusive and bold....

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