Nearly a thousand people marched towards Richmond City Hall chanting these and other slogans the morning of Saturday, March 24. Calling for an end to gun violence and demanding action on gun control, Richmond’s march, along with hundreds in other cities, was held in in solidarity with the March for...

Lucero Garcia. social worker at El Cerrito High School, wants her students to use their voices to create change, but too often, she says, they don’t know their rights. ...

When Juliana Gonzalez explains to her neighbors what a watershed is, she’ll often crumple up a ball of paper and flatten it out with a little ridge running across the middle. Then she’ll dip the tip of her finger in a glass of water and let a single drop trickle...

The truth is we live in a community where it's still okay to call me a girl. I'm a 47-year-old Latinx woman, executive, mother of two boys, who helped co-found the RYSE Center. And yet, at meetings both myself and other female identified colleagues are still treated as if we...

During his junior year at Kennedy High School, Anderson Esteban learned about Poetry Out Loud, but since only seniors can present, he helped out and waited. This year, his senior year, Esteban read “The Last Laugh” by Wilfred Owen, a poem about young men dying on the battlefield....

From boisterous lion dance performers to young Laotian dancers, Richmond’s Memorial Auditorium was filled with rich culture and energy during the 15th annual Chinese New Year Celebration put on by the City of Richmond Community Services Department and Richmond Senior Center....

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