High school can be hard enough without trying to figure out how to talk to a girl. So here are a few tips on what to do and what not to do when flirting with a girl, whether it’s in person or through text....

For those who lived in the path of the worst wildfire in California history, the past few weeks were terrifying....

I don't believe there is a face to gun violence. You don't have to be in a gang, on the streets, or a criminal to be a target. You could be just an innocent bystander. A bullet doesn't know the difference. ...

It was all about stopping the violence and encouraging the kids at this year’s 10th annual Put the Guns Down Block Party led by Richmond community organizer Elana Bolds....

Staff at Portumex Restaurant on 23rd Street received welcome support on Saturday, Oct. 7 when community members came to clean up their back alley. Neighbors and volunteers from Kennedy High School and the Richmond Police Department began a remodel to transform it from a dark, trash-filled alley to a freshly...

Halloween is normally my favorite holiday but over the years I’ve come to cringe when the day gets closer and closer. I dread having to think about non-natives or those who say, “It's okay, my great grandmother was a Cherokee princess,” dehumanizing me and my culture as if it's all...

Less famous but no less impressive as a narrator of local history is Andres Soto. Every few months, he conducts a “Toxics and Resilience Tour” of Richmond....

Two of Richmond’s most popular politicians have their sights set on the California State Capitol. Vice Mayor Jovanka Beckles is running for California Assembly and former councilmember Gayle McLaughlin is running for Lieutenant Governor. But can these two progressive candidates win outside of Richmond?...

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