En una reciente visita a casa, una amiga cercana de la familia y vecina de mucho tiempo me dijo que no debería sentirme culpable por vivir a 1.800 millas de distancia. Ella me dijo que soy un gran ejemplo de qué salir de Richmond es posible....

My parents are no longer my source of motivation. Instead, I’m inspired by the fun of being able to go to faraway places and experience new things in my life. My success may still make my parents smile. But that’s not why I’m doing it anymore....

A social media image sparked a national conversation earlier this year with the claim that there had been a spike in black girls going missing from Washington, D.C. The claim turned out to be untrue. But it led to a real conversation in the media about the prevalence of human...

Richmond’s Annual Rainbow Pride Family Day took place on the earlier side of LGBT History Month this year. Hundreds of community members of different races, orientations, and abilities lounged, danced, and celebrated in the sun as rainbow flags waved in the breeze....

To recent high school graduates or anyone starting a new beginning, Richmond, despite its troubles, is a place that always allows you to call it home. Don't be afraid to leave and start anew, but don't take for granted the city and its people who helped you grow. We are...

I live in Contra Costa County where our sheriff is proposing a “mental health” jail expansion. If the Sheriff were sincere about his intentions, instead of spending state and county money on a jail expansion that will only repeat past failures, he’d follow the lead of Pima County in Arizona....

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