Richmond Promise is sponsoring a series of spring student and family workshops to help high school seniors complete their financial aid and Richmond Promise scholarship applications. The workshops are scheduled for 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. at 450 Civic Center Plaza on the following dates: March 1, 2, 7, 9 and...

Over 80 West Contra Costa High School students recently got the chance to conduct mock trials at the Superior Courthouse in Martinez as they participated in the annual countywide mock trial competition....

Growing up in Richmond and realizing that it was a pretty small city, I always dreamed of stepping outside of the boundaries of my hometown. Most of the opportunities I had to travel were through school programs and scholarships. Now that I am a college graduate, I decided to fulfill...

As demonstrations amplify across Kern County around Trump’s recent policies on immigration, women’s rights, anti-LGBTQ action, or the GOP’s agenda to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, there is real fear among youth across the County. We asked local youth to think about their fears under this new administration and share...

Desde que el Presidente Trump asumió el cargo, muchos grupos minoritarios han estado monitoreando con cuidado sus siguientes acciones como comandante en jefe. Un grupo en particular, conocido como "Soñadores" [“Dreamers”] – jóvenes inmigrantes indocumentados que fueron traídos al país cuando niños - están entre aquellos que prestan mucha atención...

Richmond has opened a new solar power facility that will produce enough solar energy to power 600 homes per year. Energy provider MCE, JHS Properties and City of Richmond officials hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony to unveil the new two-megawatt facility on Feb 14....

When Black History Month comes along, it’s about getting the chance to remember who we are, what has happened to us, all we’ve endured and have overcome, despite the grip of white supremacy....

Since President Trump took office, many minority groups have been watching closely for his next moves as commander in chief. One group in particular, known as “Dreamers” – young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country as children – are among those paying close attention to what the president...

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