Girls who take in what has become known as “princess culture” — typified by Disney movies and their portrayal of women in stereotypical gender roles — can internalize those ideals, often to their own detriment, researchers found....

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick sparked a national conversation when he refused to stand for the national anthem, saying he couldn’t "show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color." The CC Pulse asked young people of color to reflect on their...

Andre Taylor went into the foster care system when he was a baby. As an infant, he was removed from his mother’s care and was sent to live with his grandmother...

The 8th annual Spirit & Soul Festival will return to downtown Richmond with live music, food booths, a youth zone and an outdoor bazaar with artisan and craft vendors. Proceeds from beverage and silent auction sales will benefit Richmond Main Street Initiative's mission to support the revitalization of historic downtown...

A major showdown is expected to take place in Sacramento today as the Assembly floor session adjourned abruptly last Thursday before hearing one of the most important bills of the day: AB 1066. If passed, AB 1066, authored by Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego), would expand overtime pay for thousands...

As a parent of two young girls, I often find myself wondering: Are my girls watching too much TV? Did they do enough reading over the summer? Are they taking the right vitamins? Big or small, parenting is often filled with doubts. However, one thing I’m absolutely certain of is...

A first-of-its-kind national survey commissioned by New America Media (conducted by Bendixen & Amandi International in July) found that 4 out of 5 minority voters support initiatives that would increase people’s access to parks and public lands...

Cuando mi mamá me dijo que había recibido una notificación de desalojo, yo estaba triste. No porque iba a perder la casa donde vivía, sino porque mi madre soltera, embarazada tendría que trabajar aún más de lo que ya lo hacía....

Because there is no funding source other than the general fund, Kids First would simply take funding away from existing City programs and transfer the money to non-profits, probably resulting in City staff layoffs. Funds would be taken away from unionized public employees and go to non-union, private non-profits....

Truth is, at the end of the day, when adults are arguing for their piece of the budget, no one is really arguing to ensure that young people are getting what they need to survive, let alone thrive. This needs to be challenged and it needs to be changed....

To many of us, $1 million in savings sounds like a myth. I am sure most of my fellow millennials can barely imagine earning $1 million throughout our lifetimes, much less having that amount tucked into a savings account. Remember, over half of Americans have less than $1,000 in their...

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