When my mom told me she had gotten an eviction notice, I was sad. Not because I was going to lose the house I lived in, but because my single, pregnant mom would have to work even harder than she already did. ...

Nearly 900 people made their way to downtown Richmond for an evening of live music, dancing, food trucks, vendors and good times at Richmond Main Street’s annual Music on the Main event....

The reason I’ve been working so hard on this is to give other young people a chance to get the support that I eventually ended up getting from programs like Gateway to College and from organizations like the RYSE Center...

When you live in a low-income community in the shadows of Chevron, you fear the worst. Every single day we have to ask ourselves, “When is another explosion going to happen?” “If we have to evacuate, where else can we go? What other area is left that we can afford?”...

On my first day of high school, I was afraid that my teachers were not going to care about me as a person. Then I walked into Ms. Bui’s classroom. Her class was my first period and it was English. She greeted me with an amiable smile that put me...

94-year-old Betty Reid Soskin was attacked and robbed in her Richmond home in late June. Reid Soskin, a ranger at the Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front National Historical Park in Richmond, awoke to find a man standing in her bedroom. She struggled with the intruder before being dragged down...

The first annual Clean Up Rich City Day, on June 30, began at Nicholl Park and proceeded down both sides of the street to 23rd Street as participants picked up trash along the road. ...

We were setting out on the 12th Refinery Healing Walk, a 13-mile walk from Rodeo to Richmond that connects the dots from one “sacrifice zone” to the next. Cities like Richmond are called “sacrifice zones” because of the high risks of health problems from living near oil refineries....

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