By Thomas Lick | Voicewaves “In a way he was like the country he lived in, everything came too easily to him; except he knew it.” –1973 film, The Way We Were. … Five years ago, I met and fell in love with a man for whom it seemed everything did come easily. He possessed the classic...

Los latinos se encuentran entre el grupo demográfico de mayor crecimiento en los Estados Unidos. En California, los latinos superan en número a los blancos (14,99 millones de latinos a 14,92 millones de blancos) a partir de julio de 2015. Se estima que para el año 2050, los latinos representaran...

Maria Perez’ mother Gema describes her family’s first years of living in the United States as “very frightening.” Undocumented, they didn’t speak the language and had no friends or relatives nearby....

On January 11, a student was arrested at Richmond High School with an ounce of marijuana, a little bag of methamphetamine, and a small .32 caliber semi-automatic pistol....

Pope Francis has declared 2016 the “Year of Mercy,” and that could not be more true for hundreds of people across California who are being redeemed by Prop 47. I’m not Catholic, but I am a man of faith who subscribes to the Gospel teachings of liberty and freedom from...

New research by the University of Pittsburgh shows a strong connection between social media use, irregular sleep patterns and depression. The study, which focused on the sleeping and social media habits of almost 1,800 adults between the ages of 19 and 32, found that the more people use social media,...

During its heyday (1980 – 1993), the United Negro College Fund’s Lou Rawls Parade of Stars was the largest African American special event in the United States held on one day. It forever changed African American philanthropy and how African Americans are perceived as donors, volunteers and fundraising leaders....

Editor’s Note: Former NAACP President Ben Jealous recently announced his support for the presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders. He is now campaigning to help build the candidate’s support among African Americans and other voters of color. Elected NAACP president in 2008 at the age of 35, Jealous was the...

Richmond nonprofit Pogo Park, Iron Triangle residents and city officials celebrated the grand opening of the Yellow Brick Road Play Street last week, which includes a series of parks, walking paths and a roundabout that all intersect at Eighth Street and Elm Avenue. The celebration represented the official unveiling of...

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