There were untold numbers of American veterans who felt insulted by the Republican presidential campaign’s all-time favorite cover girl, Sarah Palin. Palin, who is no stranger to factless exaggerations, outdid herself last month at a rally for Donald Trump by suggesting that President Obama is at fault for the deficient...

New and increasingly strict state and county voting laws are threatening to cut off a growing number of Americans from their right to vote as primary season opens....

A new study has found that while fewer teens are taking up smoking, secondhand smoke remains a big problem for them. Beyond the effort to remove smoke from residential areas, however, another smoke problem in Richmond remains: Chevron....

The truth is that savings accounts can be life saving. They can get you out of unemployment periods, car emergencies, and can cover unexpected treatment for illnesses....

A new exhibit at the Richmond Museum of History offers a glimpse of the party’s role in the city. The exhibit, "Richmond and the Legacy of the Black Panther Party," features dozens of photographs and newspaper clippings. Museum visitors will learn about The Black Panther newspaper, which featured an investigation...

The Art of Living Black, an annual exhibit of artwork from emerging and established African-American artists, is now on display through March 3, 2016 at the Richmond Art Center, 2540 Barrett Ave. There will be a reception to celebrate the exhibit from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 6. ...

We recently received a request from a reader wanting to know how to get the most impact from meetings with her supervisor. “Each week, I am given full responsibility for what is discussed. It is the one opportunity where I have my supervisor's undivided attention and think I should be...

“The Big Short” es una película aterradora. Promovida como una comedia durante esta temporada de premios, logró cinco nominaciones al Oscar, incluyendo Mejor Película. Pero la película es más como un payaso de cumpleaños eliminando poco a poco su maquillaje para revelar un monstruo horripilant...

Este año pasado, hemos visto un aumento en el activismo juvenil en el Área de la Bahía y en todo el mundo. Las protestas se han encabezado por las niñas, personas LGBTQ, estudiantes afroamericanos, y otros jóvenes de color. Ellos exigieron un fin a la violencia armada, la brutalidad policial,...

Community members brought their computers to the De Anza High School cafeteria earlier this month, hoping students could banish viruses, remove spyware and speed up their laptops and desktops, free of charge....

My aunt’s death has been a brutal reminder that you must take care of your temple while you are younger in order to increase stability when you get older....

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