Photo Essay, David Meza Catahoula Coffee, a local go-to caffeine spot in Richmond since 2008, opened its doors last Sunday to say, “thanks,” to its many loyal patrons with a customer appreciation day. ...

By Corey Monroe When I heard that Fontino Jr. Hardy was shot and killed in Richmond on July 15, at 29 years old, I cried, big time. Losing this cool, young brother hurts....

by Khalid Elahi Why does letting go of the hood seem like the hardest thing for some people to do? The attraction to SELF DESTRUCTION, the interest in the SHINE and the fascination with the ILLITERATE, is unbelievable to me...

Commentary, Andrew Lam, New America Media Since the Vietnam War ended 40 years ago, Vietnamese have shared much of their culture with the larger world. But many of us who fled as refugees could not have imagined that the Vietnamese sandwich, bánh mì, would one day become an international sandwich sensation,...

News Report • Nancy DeVille The killing of a beloved pastor and eight churchgoers in Charleston, S.C. last month and the recent arson investigations at black churches throughout the South have raised safety concerns among local pastors....

Commentary • Ronvel Sharper Many teachers helped me through my sophomore year at Richmond High, two of them especially: Mr. Angel Ponce-Larsen and Mr. Richard Seeber. They tried their best to prepare students for the future in different ways, though students don’t see that most of the time....

by Jacqueline Hernandez photo by Stephen Masker Ed Note: Jacqueline Hernandez is a 22 year old resident of South Merced. A member of the LGBTQA community and student at Merced College, Hernandez describes herself as an ‘intersectional feminist.’ She works to advocate locally around issues, like healthcare and youth engagement, that connect with...

News Report, Ann Bassette | The CC Pulse Rosa Garay is a mother of 8-year-old twins and like tens of thousands of Contra Costa County residents she’s uninsured and worried about her health. “I’ve been struggling with losing weight and need to check my thyroid,” Garay said. “I’m a single mother of...

The City of Richmond will sponsor its annual 3rd of July Celebration from 6 to 10 p.m. on Friday, July 3 at Marina Bay Park. The (mostly) free event will include fireworks, food, live blues music and a pay-to-play youth area. The 20-minute fireworks display will start at 9:15 pm....

Por Luis Cubas Entre la gama de colores vibrantes, el tintineo de campanas sonaron mientras danzantes cerraron un círculo en el sexto anual Pow-Wow de Richmond, "Bailando por nuestra próxima generación". El evento tuvo lugar el 20 de junio y reunió a cientos de personas, de todas las edades en el...

Story and Photos by Luis Cubas Among the vibrant array of colors, the jingling of bells rang out as dancers closed into a circle at this year’s sixth annual Richmond Pow-Wow, “Dancing for Our Next Generation.” The event took place on June 20 and brought hundreds of people, of all ages,...

News Report • Nancy Deville The days when homework only required lined notebook paper, a No. 2 pencil and a bulky thick textbook are long gone. Now teachers assign homework that requires Internet access....

EDITOR’S NOTE: Last week, a young, white male entered a Charleston, South Carolina Church and did the unspeakable. While a small group of African American churchgoers prayed and worshipped, Dylann Roof sat for one hour, stood up, and opened fire, killing nine people, aged 26 to 87....

News Report, Viji Sundaram, New America Media Calling it one of the “best” budgets the state has ever had, California Gov. Jerry Brown said the $167.6 billion dollar budget the legislature passed Tuesday would pump more money into child care and education, pay down the state’s debt by $1.9 billion and...

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