Reportaje • Keisa Reynolds | Foto • David Meza Cientos de personas se congregaron en la puerta del ayuntamiento el 4 de junio para apoyar un acuerdo de beneficios comunitarios para el proyecto del campus UC Berkeley Global en Richmond....

Commentary, Keisa Reynolds A high school graduate in Colorado recently came out to her classmates in the middle of her valedictorian speech. Emily Bruell has been added to the list of people I wish I could have been in high school....

Commentary, Earl Ofari Hutchinson | New America Media Former Spokane NAACP President Rachel Dolezal in one fell swoop managed to ignite furor over race, civil rights, leadership, integrity, reverse discrimination, media sensationalism, and even family squabbles....

News Report, Keisa Reynolds After breaking ground in 2013, the West Contra Costa Family Justice Center held its grand opening this month at 256 24th Street. In the first year at its new location, the center is expected to help an estimated 2,000 survivors of domestic violence, family violence, elder abuse...

By Malcolm Marshall | Photos by Darryl Pelletier Richmond celebrated its first-ever Pride in the Park Family Day June 6 at Marina Bay Park. More than 200 people of all ages came out to the family picnic designed to give the local Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ) community an...

By Ronvel Sharper The Young Men’s Empowerment Group at Richmond High School, led by counselors Kawal Ulaneday and Lakeyssia Brown, taught me how to react in bed times, helped me when I felt trapped and made me—and the other people in my group—more conscious of our decisions and how we make...

With the recent media buzz of American olympic athlete Bruce Jenner's transition gracing the cover of Vanity Fair magazine, she writes an open letter on the subject of fa'afafine, and the third genders in Samoa and the South Pacific to her community....

News Report • Keisa Reynolds | Photos • David Meza Close residents rallied in front of City Hall on June 4 to support a community benefits agreement for the proposed UC Berkeley Global Campus in Richmond....

First Person, Rosalia Martinez, as told to David Bacon | New America Media Editor's note: In this last installment in a three part series on California farmworkers by NAM contributor, David Bacon, an undocumented Triqui Indian farmworker in Greenfield, Ca., speaks of poverty and health problems as the result of long...

Commentary, Sonya Mann I was ashamed to live in Richmond when I first moved here 10 years ago. It wasn’t until halfway through high school that I realized that my reaction was problematic....

When 13-year-old female baseball player Mo’ne Davis was publicly slut-shamed on Twitter earlier this year, thousands rallied to her defense. The incident highlighted the longstanding tradition in this country of hyper-sexualizing female athletes....

By Ronvel Sharper and Brianna Ferrell Editor’s Note: More than 90% of teens ages 13 -17 report going online daily via smart phones, with about one in four online “almost constantly”, according to a new study from the Pew Research Center. Results also show more frequent use among African-American and Hispanic...

Interview • Malcolm Marshall EDITOR’S NOTE: Richmond’s De Anza High School recently received a Gold Ribbon Schools Award from the California Department of Education. The award recognizes schools that have made gains implementing the academic content and performance standards adopted by the State Board of Education...

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