Commentary • Sean Shavers Editor’s Note: A recent study from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) shows that American youth are still eating too much fast food, and that the young adult African American population is of particular concern when it comes to obesity rates. The author of the...

News Report • Viji Sundaram SAN FRANCISCO - Alrededor de un 75 por ciento de los trabajadores agrícolas contratados en los Estados Unidos carecen de seguro de salud, la proporción más alta de cualquier categoría ocupacional principal. Más del 90 por ciento de ellos son nacidos en el extranjero (la mayor parte...

RP Editors On April 5 a public meeting called by State Senators Loni Hancock and Mark DeSaulnier took place at the Richmond Memorial Civic Center to review what caused the Chevron fire and explosion last August. Federal investigators who attended the review determined that neglect by Chevron led directly to...

News Feature, Edgardo Cervano-Soto Jael Myrick’s appointment to the Richmond City Council brought a fitting end to a city election cycle dominated by insider politics and affiliations. Fitting because Myrick, a charismatic and unassuming 27 year-old, was able to secure his seat while staying above the fray of Richmond’s combative...

News Analysis • Antoinette Evens Public schools in California will no longer be ranked strictly by student performance on standardized test scores but by a number of other factors such as student readiness for college and the workplace, and other criteria that are yet to be determined by the State...

Contact: Hanif Houston, 510-684-0322, Oakland, CA—Yesterday, public officials, policymakers, community organizations, youth advocates, and the public gathered at Oakland City Hall for the Children’s Defense Fund-California’s School and Community Safety Forum, a pioneering event that highlighted the innovative work being done across the East Bay Area to make classrooms and...

by Asani Shakur The “b-word” is so commonly used today, that it’s not really perceived as a bad word anymore. Young boys and girls hear it often in the music they listen to and other aspects of pop culture and they start using it themselves, without really understanding what it means. Many...

Karina Guadalupe • additional interviews by Paul Billingsley The news of 20-year-old Lincoln Plair’s death was a shock to all of us who knew him. By now, I’m sure everyone else has heard about what happened. On Monday, March 4, Lincoln was shot and killed in the Iron Triangle neighborhood while...

Photo Essay • David Meza In 2008 Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin and her staff, in conjunction with numerous local organizations and community members, organized the city’s first annual International Women’s Day celebration. The event, called Women in Solidarity: Honoring Self, Honoring Community, was an opportunity for women to network...

Photo Essay • Edgardo Cervano-Soto At Richmond’s Craneway Pavillion on March 5th, 75 immigrants from countries as varied as Yemen, Mexico and Japan, eagerly awaited their official certification as U.S. citizens. Carolyn Muzyka, the Western Regional Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, announced each candidate to the public before leading...

Policy News of the Month Don’t like people talking about you behind your back? That is what happens when policymakers make new laws about young people, and often without even inviting them to give their opinion. In order to advance our own agenda, we’ve got to know the rules of the game....

EDITOR’S NOTE: In this first installment of what we hope will be an ongoing series of interviews with the Richmond Police Department, The Pulse sat down with Chief Chris Magnus to discuss issues ranging from immigration enforcement to gun control policy to the Christopher Dorner incident. The intention of...

Report • Antoinette Evans Following the unfortunate tragedy that recently occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School, our nation is yet again faced with answering the question: How can we keep our schools safe? A recent survey commissioned by The California Endowment and conducted from January 16-21, 2013 set out to measure voter...

Read in English Entrevista • Lani Conway, New America Media Nota del Editor: En el Festival de Cine de Sundance, el cineasta Ryan Coogler de 26-años de edad, ganó el Gran Premio del Jurado y el Premio del Público con “Fruitvale”, un drama inspirado en la muerte de la vida real de...

Read in English Reportaje, Tania Pulido Richmond High es una de las únicas escuelas en la ciudad que ofrece un programa para madres adolescentes (Adolescent Parenting Program, APP por sus siglas en inglés). Cada año un nuevo grupo de madres jóvenes están en el programa que dura un año escolar. Cuando yo...

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