Op-Ed, Jovanka Beckles, Richmond Councilmember The Housing Element of the General Plan will be coming before the Council on Tuesday January 15. This element is a forward looking document which reflects well on the City and, if passed, would be of tremendous help to the people of Richmond. The element includes...

Commentary, Jazmyne Z. Young, Asani Shakur EDITOR'S NOTE: The following two film reviews offer competing perspectives on Quentin Tarantino's "Django Unchained," a movie about a former slave who sets out to free his wife from bondage and exact revenge on a sadistic Mississippi slave owner. 'Django' Criticisms Are Predictable, Misguided By...

Leer en Español Question & Answer, Lani Conway, New America Media Editor's Note: At this year’s Sundance Film Festival, 26-year-old filmmaker Ryan Coogler makes his feature debut with "Fruitvale," a drama inspired by the real-life killing of Oscar Grant by Bay Area Rapid Transit police on New Year’s Day, 2009. With big-name...

Blog / Commentary by Asani Shakur The Connecticut school shooting is such a tragedy, but I find it ironic because things like this have happened a lot in our community -- maybe not 20 kids at a time, but one kid killed is one too many. The killing of children...

Blog / Commentary by Yasmine Elsafy The recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut that left 28 people dead -- 20 of them children – has dominated the news cycle. Less known, however, is that while Newtown was the worst massacre of children in our nation’s history, it...

Op-Ed, Daniel Zingale Big Soda spent big bucks. That's how it defeated ballot measures to create soda taxes in two California towns. In Richmond, in the Bay Area, and in El Monte, east of Los Angeles, the measures would have added a penny-an-ounce tax on soda. Had the taxes passed, they were...

Read in English Reportaje, Malcolm Marshall Era una noche de lunes en noviembre en la oficina de la Organización Interreligiosa Apoyando la Comunidad de Contra costa (CCISCO por sus siglas en inglés) en Richmond, y los miembros de Lideres Comunitarios Organizando a Dreamers Indocumentados (CLOUD por sus siglas en inglés), se unieron...

Leer en Español News Feature, Malcolm Marshall It’s a Monday evening in November at the CCISCO office in Richmond, and members of CLOUD, or Community Leaders Organizing Undocumented Dreamers, have come together to assist those interested in submitting a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) application. The landmark DACA program, announced by President...

By Asani Shakur EDITOR’S NOTE:.  A 25-year-old who grew up on the streets of Richmond decided to write this piece because of what he sees happening in his community every day.  Barbaric. Evil. Modern-day slavery. Those are some of the words that President Barack Obama used to describe sex trafficking during a...

Food Review, Molly Raynor I love Richmond with all my heart. I love its resilience, its creativity, its RAW talent and radical roots. I do not, however, love the lack of healthy food options that residents of this city face on a daily basis. The lack of healthy options is something I've...

Commentary,  Sonya Mann An overwhelming number of California voters, 81 percent, supported Proposition 35 (also called the CASE Act), which expands legal protections for victims of sex trafficking, and specifies harsher punishments for their pimps. The landslide victory for the measure probably shouldn’t come as a surprise, given that on the...

News Report, Anna Challet, New America Media In last month’s general election, youth voter turnout remained at 2008 levels, despite previous polls showing that enthusiasm was down in 2012. According to national exit polls analyzed by the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts...

Blog, by Alicia Marie My reason for watching CNN on election night was different from the majority of most Americans for the simple fact that I don’t vote, so the results didn't really matter to me. However, I’m not ignorant of the issues or about how politics work, and I wanted...

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