Blog, Various Authors Keyannie Norford, 17 I know that no matter what the price of soda is, if I want it I will go get it. As a senior attending De Anza High School, I also know how popular soda is among teens. I used to drink so much soda that it...

Feature, Jessica Arevalo A spoonful of sugar is no longer the way to help the medicine go down. Mary Poppins, with her stern British demeanor and cheeky sense of humor, enthralled generations of families. How many children have since dreamed of having a nanny that could clean their room with nothing but...

News Report, Malcolm Marshall RICHMOND, Calif. – Nai Saechao, a first time voter, says she hasn’t made up her mind about Richmond’s so-called soda tax, which is set to appear on this November’s ballot. While she admits obesity is a problem, like other residents here she’s not convinced taxing soda...

By April Suwalsky "Childhood obesity isn't some simple, discrete issue. There's no one cause we can pinpoint. There's no one program we can fund to make it go away. Rather, it's an issue that touches on every aspect of how we live and how we work." -- First Lady Michelle...

Leer en Español News Feature, Monica Quesada James Johnson, 20, is a bike mechanic. Born and raised in Richmond, Johnson has for years fixed bikes out of his own garage, all the while dreaming of opening up a bike shop where he could work with the proper tools, “without having to use...

By Molly Raynor On a sunny afternoon in Richmond last Spring, a group of 5th - 8th grade students gathered outside in a circle on the grass to write poems during their weekly RAW Talent workshop at the Making Waves Academy. One of the students, ten-year-old Leeah Thomas, has already mastered...

Advice, Alicia Marie When it comes to high school, first impressions really do last a lifetime. So to make sure that you’re counted in among the 75.4 % who graduate from high school in Richmond, here are some tips to help you through your journey. Tips for the Successful High School Student: Be...

Written and compiled by “Malik” SAN QUENTIN, Calif. -- Since 2006, the men of the Richmond Project – a group of inmates from Richmond who are now incarcerated at San Quentin State Prison – have been striving from behind these walls to be a part of the solution to the problems...

News Feature, William H. Fraker In the neighborhood known as the Iron Triangle, comfort and serenity can be found at the corner of 6th and MacDonald, where a once-barren lot is now host to chickens, rabbits, beehives, and dozens of blossoming garden beds. In and amongst this thriving hub...

Read in English Reportaje, Monica Quesada James Johnson de 20 años es un mecánico de bicicletas. Nacido y criado en Richmond, Johnson ha arreglado bicis en su propia casa por años, mientras soñaba con abrir una taller de bicis donde pudiera trabajar con las herramientas adecuadas, “sin tener que usar martillos y...

Read in English En primera persona, Varios La noche del lunes, 6 de agosto, a los residentes de Richmond, California, se les aconsejó buscar refugio debido a una serie de explosiones que resultaron en un gran incendio en la refinería de petróleo de Chevron, la refinería más grande del norte de California....

News Feature, Iraida Santillan Alejandra was only nine years old when she left Jalisco, Mexico with her mother and younger sister to join their father in the United States. Alejandra’s father was already living in Richmond, CA along with three of her uncles. She crossed the border with a fake birth certificate...

Feature, Adrienne Chainey With summer under way, many people find being cooped up inside to be a downer. But wait! Whether you like to do things outdoors, or just don’t want to be in the house, there are actually lots of things for you to do, right here in Richmond: The...

News Feature, Edgardo Cervano-Soto Wearing white caps and gowns, 25 women -- ranging from young to middle-aged -- pose for photographs in front of a water fountain at San Pablo City Hall. They call their group a sisterhood, born out of a need to speak to others but ultimately enabling them...

Comentario, Sean Shavers Más de 50 personas se reunieron en el centro de detención de inmigración del Condado de West Contra Costa en Richmond el 18 de julio para expresar nuestra solidaridad con los inmigrantes indocumentados que están cautivos ahí. Esta vigilia mensual fue organizada por la Coalición Interreligiosa para...

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