Leer en Español News Report, Edgardo Cervano-Soto Lilia Quiñones, a San Pablo resident since 1984, sits in a plush armchair, listening to the introductions of the people around her while she toggles her walking cane in her palm. When it’s her turn to speak, Lilia introduces herself as the grandmother of a...

New America Media, Commentary, Ky Phong Paul Tran, Posted: Feb 17, 2012 Pop culture traditionally has painted Asians as awkward, unathletic and never the leading man, like Long Duk Dong from a 1980s film. In just a week, Lin has shattered the stereotype. Since he burst into the national consciousness just...

Commentary, Taisa Grant I am a firm believer that we are all healers. Every person possesses the ability and has been given the tools necessary to heal themselves and others. This way of thinking led me down the path of becoming a doula, which in turn led me to massage...

Editor's Note: Young people in the San Francisco Bay Area write about how they see their future with the regional Internet giant Facebook. Molly Raynor, 27, Richmond I am a 27-year-old transplant from Ann Arbor, Michigan. I run a creative arts program in Richmond, California, live with my best friend in Oakland...

Editor's Note: Young people in the San Francisco Bay Area write about how they see their future with the regional Internet giant Facebook. Molly Raynor, 27, Richmond I am a 27-year-old transplant from Ann Arbor, Michigan. I run a creative arts program in Richmond, California, live with my best friend in Oakland...

Commentary, D'vondre Woodards Probation. If you ever did a crime in your life, you know what the word means. I’ve been on probation for two and a half years, since June 15, 2009. But the story really started on October 23, 2008, the day I was...

News Feature, Edgardo Cervano-Soto Editor’s Note: Liberty Ship Café not only serves tasty Latin-fusion lunches at the Farmer’s Market in Richmond, Calif., it’s cooking up a cooperative business dream. It is 8 o’clock on a Thursday night, and inside a commercial kitchen at Veterans Hall members of the Liberty Ship Café, a...

Photo Essay, Richmond Councilmemeber Tom Butt In perhaps the best organized ever Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service in Richmond, a crowd of hundreds turned out to clean, plant, weed and mulch a dozen different projects stretching along the Richmond Greenway from 5th Street to 16th Street and at 22nd...

News Report, by Kia Croom More than 150 public officials, faith leaders and residents of the Iron Triangle, Shields-Reid and Parchester Village neighborhoods marched last Saturday under the banner “Marching for Change,” to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Walkers of all ages lined...

News Report, Donny Lumpkins On a recent tour of Contra Costa County public schools, Congressman George Miller (D- Martinez), a Richmond native, stopped by Richmond High School to speak to about 20 students who are members of the Bay Area Peacekeepers (BAP), a program that helps “at-risk” kids stay in school...

News Report, Edgardo Cervano-Soto Editor’s Note: California’s DREAM Act gave bright undocumented students new hope for going to college, but issues like low funding could undermine the act for many. Despite the announcement of Gov. Jerry Brown signing into law the California DREAM Act last October, students applying for colleges at Richmond...

News Analysis, Taisa Grant Editor's note: Earlier this month, the Richmond City Council voted in favor of placing an inititiative on the November ballot for a citywide tax on sugar-sweetened beverages. Responding to the proposed intitiative, The CC Pulse reporter Taisa Grant wrote the following piece based on a report...

News Report, Kia Croom Richmond voters will get a chance to weigh in on a penny-per-ounce soda tax next year. The city council directed staffers to prepare a measure for the November 2012 ballot that would impose a sales tax on "sweetened beverages." Councilman Tom Butt said that the city...

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