News Report • Edgardo Cervano-Soto It took five years of community organizing, government meetings, and filling out grant applications, but the Elm Playlot on 7th and Elm Street is on track to become one of the most innovative parks in the City of Richmond. Pogo Park, a grassroots non-profit in Richmond,...

Commentary, David Cunningham, New America Media Ed. Note: In June, youth advocates testified before a hearing of the Senate Public Safety Committee in Sacramento in support of AB 1006, which would require court and probation officers to inform youth offenders of how to seal their records upun turning 18. The...

Documento Fotográfico, Salud y Ambiente de Richmond Cientos de miembros de la comunidad salieron a la tercera anual Major Taylor Bike Fiesta en la primaria Lincoln el 1˚ de junio. La fiesta de bicicletas incluyo comida gratis, reparaciones a bicicletas, rifas de bicicletas, cascos, rodeos de bicicletas, un santuario de salud...

Photo Essay • Luis Cubas For most, the word “anniversary” evokes memories of happy times. But on August 6th, the word took on an entirely different meaning in Richmond. It was on that date last year that a huge black cloud was seen pluming out of the Chevron Refinery, the...

Por Kenyatta Loftis Mi familia y yo nos mudamos a Richmond hace casi dos años y medio del Condado de Marin. En ese momento, estaba preocupada por algunas de las cosas negativas que había oído de la ciudad, así que me enfoque en poner a mis hijos en una escuela...

News Feature • Donny Lumpkins This week, grateful sons and daughters will be hitting retailers around the country in search of that perfect gift for dad – a tie, some socks, a Hallmark card, or maybe just a hug. But for a growing number of youth, the time around Father’s...

By Kenyatta Loftis My family and I moved to Richmond almost two and a half years ago from Marin County. At the time, I was concerned about some of the negative things I’d heard about the city, so I focused on getting my kids into a good school and sought...

News Report, Nicole Hudley • New America Media SACRAMENTO -- Erica Lawrence became worried about her friend when she started acting distant, losing weight, and getting into fights at school. Her worry turned to dread when the friend became pregnant and ran away from home and Lawrence, 16, didn’t know...

Commentary • Donny Lumpkins SAN FRANCISCO – My girlfriend gets up every morning at around 7:30, usually before the shrill of her cell phone alarm sounds the start of another day of school and work. I open my eyes, and wonder what I’ll do with the day. I quit my job as...

News Feature • Anna Challet This article was updated by Pulse editors on June 7, 2013 after it was discovered that the criminal charges reported in the original article were incorrect. The author of this article was unaware of the actual charges at the time of publication. LaVon Carter was still a...

First Person, Iraida Santillan • Video, Ann Bassette  Prom came ridiculously fast this year. I’d felt like I had all the time in the world to prepare, until I found myself with only two and a half weeks to go before the dance, and I had nothing: no dress, no shoes...

First Person, Najari Smith Last March I was riding from Richmond to San Leandro on a freestyle bike, on the way to boxing practice. Traveling through rush hour traffic, I was being extra cautious. Nevertheless, a white SUV honked at me from behind. At first I ignored it...

by Keyannie Norford Being a young person from Richmond, California, I face a lot on a day-to-day basis and I am thankful and grateful that we have a wonderful and useful health center at De Anza High School. It’s a place that students indeed go to when they are having...

Editor’s note: Last month, The CC Pulse contributor Yasmine Elsafy traveled to Washington, D.C., as a member of a youth delegation sponsored by The California Endowment, a private health foundation. The purpose of their trip was to gain a broader understanding of how government works, and to learn about...

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