News Report • Donny Lumpkins and Peter Schurmann • The CC Pulse/New America Media RICHMOND, Calif. – At the West County Detention Facility, inmates can pay upwards of $20 for a five-minute phone call to friends, relatives or lawyers. While the high rates are a cash cow for the prison, for...

Photo Essay • Richmond Health and Environment On Thursday, May 9th, nearly 400 Richmond riders joined the entire East Bay for the 19th annual Bike To Work Day. The City of Richmond partnered with the East Bay Bicycle Coalition, 511 Contra Costa, Building Blocks for Kids Collaborative, SunPower, the Richmond Bicycle...

Photo Essay, Gallen.Neilly & Associates On Saturday April 27, over 450 people attended Healthy Kids Day at the Hilltop YMCA. Healthy Kids Day, a national initiative of the YMCA to improve the health and well being of kids, is filled with fun, active play and educational activities that will help parents...

Ed Note: On January 10, 2013 nine-year-old Rodrigo Guzman was detained along with his family by Immigration and Customs Enformcement (ICE) along the Texas-Mexico border. After determing their visas had expired, the family was sent back to Mexico and told they must wait five years before reapplying for a visa....

News Report • Malcolm Marshall Civic Center Plaza provided a beautiful backdrop for the fourth annual Richmond Tales Fest on Saturday, April 20. The event is based on the book "Richmond Tales” by Summer Brenner, has grown to become one of the more enjoyable family events in the Bay Area....

Q&A, RP Editors The CC Pulse: The recent allegation that Sgt. Michael Wang took bribes and tipped off drug dealers plays into a public perception in certain parts of the community that police in Richmond are dirty. If the allegations are true, is this just a case of a few bad...

By Karina Guadalupe Put Molly all in the champagne. She ain't even know it. I took her home and I enjoy that. She ain't even know it. - Lyics from U.O.E.N.O. by Rick Ross I haven't yet heard the song "U.O.E.N.O." but Miami rapper Rick Ross is a pig for...

Commentary, Alicia Marie When I finished high school, I was adamant that I wasn’t going to college. I didn’t have good relationships with my teachers and I wanted nothing more to do with school. However, once I started regularly attending Omega Boys Club in San Francisco, my “bad teacher relationships”...

Commentary, Various Authors David Meza: At my high school, Omega Continuation High School, there were only three teachers: Roland Nazar, Mary Zolly and Margaret Love. They were all great in their own way. We had school baseball games and BBQs where everyone had fun – we were like one big family. The teachers...

Commentary • Sean Shavers Editor’s Note: A recent study from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) shows that American youth are still eating too much fast food, and that the young adult African American population is of particular concern when it comes to obesity rates. The author of the...

News Report • Viji Sundaram SAN FRANCISCO - Alrededor de un 75 por ciento de los trabajadores agrícolas contratados en los Estados Unidos carecen de seguro de salud, la proporción más alta de cualquier categoría ocupacional principal. Más del 90 por ciento de ellos son nacidos en el extranjero (la mayor parte...

RP Editors On April 5 a public meeting called by State Senators Loni Hancock and Mark DeSaulnier took place at the Richmond Memorial Civic Center to review what caused the Chevron fire and explosion last August. Federal investigators who attended the review determined that neglect by Chevron led directly to...

News Feature, Edgardo Cervano-Soto Jael Myrick’s appointment to the Richmond City Council brought a fitting end to a city election cycle dominated by insider politics and affiliations. Fitting because Myrick, a charismatic and unassuming 27 year-old, was able to secure his seat while staying above the fray of Richmond’s combative...

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