Photos from polling places and election watch parties across Richmond as voters, including candidates and their supporters, cast ballots in the 2018 midterm election....

Chevron U.S.A Inc. has reached a $160 million settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other agencies, requiring it to make safety improvements at all of its domestic refineries, including those in Richmond and El Segundo....

Since the age of 11, Sorel Benitez has been participating in Muay Thai, a sport that originated in Thailand. It is also known as the “Art of Eight Limbs” because fighters are allowed to use their fists, feet, knees and elbows during combat...

When spoken, Náhuatl, the language of the Aztecs, has a lot of sounds made by the consonants “ch” and “tl” (the t is silent)....

Llamando el uso de cigarrillos electrónicos una epidemia, la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de EE. UU. amenaza con prohibir la venta de cigarrillos electrónicos si las empresas no hacen más para mantenerlos alejados de los adolescentes....

La vida es real, hecha de lecciones y sorpresas. Lo bien que escuchas determina cuanto tiempo vives. En mi caso, puedes decir que tengo suerte que no perdí mi vida porque en la mayoría de los instantes, aprendí de ser quemado, en vez de aprender con la magia de escuchar....

My mother and father have separated. Two months ago, she and my youngest brother moved out of our home. They now live across the city from me and my dad. Just like the desert, the U.S. has tested them and just like the desert, this tribulation will bring them closer....

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