News Report, Edgardo Cervano-Soto Richmond resident J.C. Farr, 72, remembers the days black families populated his neighborhood in Richmond’s Southside. Walking through Booker T. Anderson Park, Farr points to a house where a black family used to live. It was sold, gutted and flipped by another owner, he says....

Commentary, Sean Shavers Last month, a video surfaced online of University of Oklahoma fraternity members singing a racist song that joked about lynching black people. In the video, white members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity rode on a bus while chanting, "There will never be a n----- SAE. You can...

News Report, Ann Bassette Concerned residents, researchers and public officials came together at the Regional Poverty and Policy Community workshop in Richmond last month to discuss causes and solutions of poverty in the Bay Area. Participants at the event — held at Solar Richmond, a nonprofit that provides free training in solar...

By Nancy DeVille When Ron Shaw stood up to read the children's book, "Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears," his audience -- second-graders at North Richmond's Verde Elementary School -- stared, giggled and raised their hands to ask questions. Shaw thumbed through the pages of the West African tale, reading the colorful...

 Commentary, Sandip Roy | New America Media, Posted: Apr 07, 2015 Criss-cross applesauce? That's what a school in Encinitas, California, calls the padmasana or lotus position in its effort to make yoga sound more all-American. It worked. A three-judge panel of the 4th district court of appeal has upheld a lower court ruling that the Encinitas school district...

Photo Essay, The CC Pulse Editors On a sunny Saturday morning last month, hundreds of people came out to the Spring Egg Hunt and Recreation Day at Civic Center Plaza for some springtime fun. Sponsored by the city’s Recreation Department, the free event on March 28 was well attended by grownups and...

News Report, Nayoon Jin |New America Media Posted: Apr 03, 2015 OAKLAND – Putri Siti is on track to graduate from UC Berkeley this year. But as an undocumented student, there was a time not long ago when her future was much less certain. “When others were worrying about what major to choose and which...

Read in English Por Joanna Pulido Era una noche fría en febrero en el campeonato de fútbol masculino North Coast Section Division II, y ahí estaba el maestro de animación e infografía de Richmond High School Mario Ferrari, animando al equipo local en voz alta, apretando los rieles de las gradas y...

From the Pulse news desk Richmond to Survey Residents The City of Richmond is conducting its 2015 Community Survey. In the next few weeks questionnaires will be sent to a random sample of 3,000 Richmond residents, asking them to comment on the community’s pressing needs and city services. The purpose of the survey...

Wisdom from Community Leader, Khalid Elahi I am the voice for all the brothers that don't have a voice. Maybe they are in the bowels of one of these prisons, confined to a cell for a long period of time or for the rest of their life. Or maybe they are...

By Nancy DeVille It’s the decision that many hoped would never come: Doctors Medical Center is closing April 21. The board of West Contra Costa Healthcare District, which governs DMC, made the decision Thursday after they were advised the hospital is running out of money and has exhausted opportunities to borrow additional...

Read in English Entrevista por Vernon Whitmore Nota del Editor: El nuevo miembro del concejo de la ciudad de Richmond es Vinay Pimple (pronunciado Pim-PLAY), un abogado de 47 años de edad que ha estado en el puesto por menos de un mes. Pimple fue elegido por unanimidad por el concejo de...

By Nancy DeVille | Photo by David Meza As the threat of Doctors Medical Center’s shutdown draws closer, Maria Sahagun says she still hasn’t given up hope. An emergency room nurse at DMC, Sahagun and her colleagues have spent months urging the West Contra Costa Healthcare District to come up with a...

News Report, Edgardo Cervano-Soto The family of 24-year-old Richard Perez III marked the six-month anniversary of his death with a protest March 17 at a Richmond City Council meeting, demanding that prosecutors charge the police officer who shot him, despite a conclusion by the District Attorney’s office that the officer had...

Leer en Español Interview by Vernon Whitmore EDITOR’S NOTE: Richmond’s newest city council member is Vinay Pimple (pronounced Pim-PLAY), a 47-year-old attorney who has been on the job for less than a month. Pimple was selected unanimously by the city council from a group of 17 contenders to fill the seat vacated...

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